Friday, May 3, 2013

The demand for sequels

Many films that hit theaters these days are sequels (or prequels, but same basic idea.). Plots building on existing stories, using established characters. Some view this as lazy and easy, while others seem to be chomping at the bit for new sequels.

I think, if warranted, sequels are fine. I do, however, also believe that many sequels are made simply to cash in on the popularity of films.

Take the movie Waiting, about a group of disgruntled restaurant workers. The film acquired a bit of a cult following, and a sequel was made, which had barely any of the original cast returning, and was quite a bit of a let down after the first. It fell short, because the creators were simply trying to make money from fans of a film.

That's the wrong approach. Make a sequel because it's needed, not because you want more money, or the fans may want a sequel. If a story is wrapped up, leave it wrapped up.

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